Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Write a PEEL paragraph about a family member (Mum, Dad, brother, sister etc.)

You must:

Decide on your umbrella Point  about him/her
Give at least 3 Explain reasons, each with an specific Example
Finish with a Linking sentence back to your P statement.
Use sequencing words for your reasons

My Cat is the best cat in the world because it is really fluffy and when I am sick my cat comes up to me and licks my face. Also my cat is kinda like a personal alarm clock because when i have to wake up in the morning she just jumps up onto my bed and sits on my face, and I get like tons of fur in my mouth....yum? And lastly when I wake up in the morning he is always standing on my feet waiting to be feed.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Rimu is the best syndicate at tis!

Write a PEEL paragraph responding to this statement

Rimu is the best syndicate at TIS.

You must:

Decide on your umbrella Point
Give at least 3 Explain reasons, each with an specific Example
Finish with a Linking sentence back to your P statement.
Use sequencing words for your reasons

Rimu is the best syndicate because we have the best teachers that always help us. We have the most fun sport that always keep us fit. We work as a team and always help each other. The Rimu teachers always plan fun things for us to do, for example last night we had our rimu house social dance which was really fun and everyone enjoyed it!

Sunday, 21 September 2014

2014 election results

What percentage of the vote did each party win?
National: 48.1%
Labour: 24.7%
Greens: 10%
NZ First: 8.9%
Conservative: 4.1%
Maori: 1.3%
Act: 0.7%
United Future: 0.2%

How will parliament look? (How many seats will each party have?)
National: 61 seats.
Labour: 32 seats.
Green: 13 seats.
NZ First: 11 seats.
Conservative: 0 seats.
Maori: 2 seats.
Act: 1 seats.
United Future: 1 seats.

Who is the Tauranga MP and which party is he/she from?
Simon Bridges from National.

Who came 2nd and 3rd for Tauranga?
Clayton Mitchell came 2nd from nz first and Rachael Jones was 3rd from Labour.

Who is the BOP MP and which party is he/she from?
Todd Muller from National.

What regional seat does the Prime Minister hold?

How many people voted?
2.4 million

List all of the ministerial portfolios
Minister Of Education
Justice Minister
FInance Minster
Foreign affairs minister
Women Affairs Minister.

Who is the current Minister for Education?

Hekia Parata

What portfolio does John Key hold?
Name 1 change we will now expect to see in NZ in the next 3 years in
Education -
Health -
Environment -
Policing -
Tourism -

Sport -

Thursday, 18 September 2014

2014 elections.

When is election day?
20th september

What hours can you vote on election day?
You can vote at a voting place between 9.00am and 7.00pm on election day

What date does this year’s election officially end?
12am On the 4th of October.

Summarise each of these rules for election day in your own words.

Hoardings - When the different parties put there election boards up.

Sign-written vehicles - In the election you have cars that carry signs/stickers.

Fixed signage on party headquarters and MP’s electorate offices - When the party leader has it's signature in the party office.

Delivery of election material prohibited - Must not mail in mail boxes on eletion day

Websites and social media - All parities have there own websites that show there policies and other things.

Processions and demonstrations -
You are not allowed to protest before 7pm, you can’t use a loudhailer

Streamers, rosettes, ribbons etc -
Can wear but can’t say the party name, logo

Clothing promoting the party or candidate

No tshirts, can wear party colours

Imitation ballot papers

Assistance to get to a voting place

At the voting place

Campaigning around advance voting places

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

2014 Election

Find a map which shows the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate?

Which electorate do you live within?

List the candidates for the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate.
Bay of Plenty Electorate:
 Deborah Cunliffe - Conservative
Ray Dolman - Nz First
Brendan Horan -  NZIC
Tracy Livingston - Democratic
Todd Muller - National
Ben Rickard - United Future
Clare Wilson - Labour 

Tauranga electorate:
Clayton Mitchell - NZ First 
Simon Bridges - National 
Nathaniel Heslop - Conservative
Rachael Jones - Labour
Rusty Kane - Independent
Yvette Lamare - Independent
Ian Mclean - Green
James Maxwell - United Future 
Verna Ohia-Gate - Maori 
Michael O'Neill - NZIC
Stuart Pedersen - Act

Which candidate would you vote for and why?
Clayton from NZ FIRST because he's my brother.

How long has the Tauranga electorate existed?
Since 1890

Has the Tauranga MP over its history been mainly National or mainly Labour?
Mainly National.

When was the last election?
In 2011.

When was Winston Peters the MP for Tauranga?

What does an MPs job entail?
MPs split their time between working in Parliament itself, working in the constituency that elected them and working for their political party.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

MMP Explanation

Explain our MMP voting system (Mixed Member Proportional)

MMP stands for "mixed member proportional" because it is a proportional system and there are two types of members list MPs and electorate MPs.
MMP is the type of electoral system we have in New Zealand. It is the system by which members of parliament (MPs) are voted in by the people.
Under MMP you get two votes. With one you select a local electorate MP. With the second vote, you choose a political party.
About half the MPs in parliament are electorate MPs from 60 electorates. The other half are chosen from political party lists published before each election. Once the electorate seats are elected, list seats are allocated so that the overall number of seats each party gets reflects the percentage of the vote that party got. 

Monday, 15 September 2014


Investigate The Civilian Party. What are some of their policies?
Make Wellington airport safer by moving it to Christchurch

reform the Justice system so that every citizen is required to prove why they shouldn’t be in prison.

Replace New Zealand’s national anthem with the theme song from the 1996 film Space Jam, by Quad City DJs. A Maori version of Space Jam shall be composed to be sung alongside the English version.

You want to set up a political party in this coming election. How do you do that?

Have support from a group of like-minded people who are your friends.
Convince this group of the need for creating a new political party
Gather up all of your personal, social, and political beliefs.
Create a logo.
Create a website with your own domain
Register the party
Note that registering a party nationally is often prohibitively expensive for many people.

Name your party - The McJoy party for New Zealand
Create a policy for -
HEALTH - Free health care/medical care for under 10's.
EDUCATION - No More than 18 in a class.
DEFENCE - All police officers will get free tablets to help track down criminals.
BUSINESS - You will legally be allowed to work at the age of 15.
ELDERLY - Rest home will be free for elderly people over the age of 70.
ENVIRONMENT - 10million dollars spent on cleaning up rivers and oceans.
Free Ice Cream and Lollies for people under 100's.
Make Tauranga's Airport Bigger.
If you badly abuse/kill an animal you will have a fine of $100,000 dollars.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Political Parties

For each of the following political parties
Your choice of party


1 policy you think is a good policy. Copy and paste the policy. Say why you think it is a good policy.

  • National Policy: Work to improve services for rest home residents by better integrating care between GPs, pharmacies, hospitals, and rest homes. ---- I like this money because it help the elderly people. 
  • Labour Policy: ban cruel shark finning ---- I like this policy because labour will ban shark finning.
  • New Zealand First Policy: The Treaty should be a source of national pride and unity and not used to expand the separate rights of Maori or anyone else. Too often the Treaty now divides, polarizers and isolates us. 
  • I really like this policy because it means that it will help all new zealanders not just the ones with a different colour or race.  

1 policy you think is a bad policy. Copy and paste the policy. Say why you think it is a bad policy.

National policy: Commit $350 million, a fivefold increase in funding, for lake and river clean-ups.
I dont like this policy because that is a waste of money and the rubbish will just go straight back into the rivers.

Labour Policy:  
  • work in partnership with the Christchurch City Council to find solutions to the financial crisis created by the cost-sharing arrangement imposed by the current government on the previous council. I just don't like this policy because it has taken way to long to clean up.
new zealand first policy: _______ I could not find a bad policy. 

1 policy which will affect you directly. Copy and paste the policy. Say how this policy will affect you.

National Is going to make classrooms smaller.

Find 3 political words or phrases which you don’t know the meaning of. Copy down the sentence and underline the word.
e.g. Threshold, Campaign, Coalition.

Use any further fiscal headroom to get debt to 20 per cent of GDP debt earlier than 2020.
Clarify the meaning of the word or phrase in this sentence and the meaning of the whole sentence.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014


What is a time zone?
A time zone is something that separates countries, we have a time zone because the sun cannot be at one place at a time. When it gets to 1 O'clock the sun moves 45 degrees.

Why do we have time zones?
Because the sun cannot be at all places at once.

How are the time zones set?
Time zones are determined by the line of longitude that runs down that specific country. Each line of longitude has a 15 degree difference and every 15 degree is 1 hour different.

Which direction does the Earth rotate? (clockwise or anticlockwise)
The earth turns counter-clockwise.

How many time zones are there altogether?
There are currently 40 world time zones in the world.

What are the time zones named?
They use  Abbreviations for the time zones so they know what country or town it is for example New Zealand is NZL.

Which time zone is New Zealand part of?
New Zealand is part of the Pacific Ocean time zone.

Name 2 other countries which are also in our time zone.
Cook Islands and Chatham Islands. 

What is the international date line and why do we have it?
The International Date Line, established in 1884, passes through the mid-Pacific Ocean and roughly follows a 180 degrees longitude north-south line on the Earth.

Embed a helpful Youtube video you have found
I found this video helpful.

Sunday, 7 September 2014


"OMG did you really just hit me?"
"Yeah, well you were being a retard."
"So it doesn't mean you have to hit me."
"Yes it does."
"Since you hit me now its my turn for me to hit you."
"NO WAY, you're not hitting me."
"Ouch that hurt."
"It was supposed to."
"I'm telling mum, because it really hurt."
"Yeah well i'll tell dad, anyway mum won't believe you."
"Yeah she will, i'm way older then you."
"Well that does not mean anything."
"Does so."
Does not."
"Does so."
"Does not."
"Michael and Ben, Stop fighting, Turn the T.V off and play outside, your fighting is giving me a headache."
"Sorry mum and noooooo I don't want to go outside, Its wayyyy too cold."
''I did not say it was an option, you have to go outside." 
"ARRRRRRRRRRR, I hate you." 
"Me too, now GO." 

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Family

Write a story by answering these questions. Do NOT copy out the questions. When you are done, your writing should look like a story.

How long have you been in this foreign country?

Why did you go there?

Describe the two people who are with you.

How did you lose your passport?

What repercussions does losing your passport have?

When you went looking for your passport, where did you look?

When did you realise that someone was following you? Describe this person.

While you were running away, you tripped and fell. What happened?

What was the big surprise at the end of your story?

I have been here for over a month now.
I came here because i needed a break from my parents.
I left with my little sister and best friend who are still with me now.
We lost our passports when a beggar asked us for money and ran with my wallet which had my passport in it.
We had to go through customs over 5 times and tell them that we are no lying, they put us through a lying detector and we were allowed to go. When we looked for our passport we looked at the toilets first and then at the sushi place where we went last. We realised someone was following us so we ran, he was tall with tanned olive skin and he had brown hair. When we were running I tripped and fell onto a knife and got the knife into my leg, luckily there was a nurse there to help me. When were we running to quickly go onto our plant we found our passports.