Tuesday, 28 October 2014
1) What do these symbols on our flag stand for?
a) Blue background - is the blue skies and seas.
b) Stars - The stars represent the Southern Cross.
c) Union Jack - It represents New Zealands past.
2) Name the 3 flags of the 3 countries which are combined to make the Union Jack - England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
3) When did we first use this NZ flag ? - June 19, 1902
4) What flag did we use from 1840 until then? - United tribes of New Zealand.
5) From 1834 to 1840 we used the United Tribes Flag. Insert an image of this flag.
6) Who kept chopping down the flagpole in Kororareka? Why?
7) What are the other official flags of NZ. Who are they used
for/when are they used?
Tino Rangatiratanga - Since 1990, the Tino rangatiratanga flag has been used by some Maori as an alternative to the official New Zealand flag, and a symbol of Maori independence.
The Silver Fern - The silver fern flag is often seen at sporting fixtures involving New Zealand teams or individuals. There are many variations, but it is typically the image of a silver fern on a black background.
Insert an image of the National Maori Flag. When did this flag first fly officially?
8)# Now you understand the basics of our present flag, work on a design for the flag you feel NZ should have. Insert your image.
Think about:
*what flags of other countries look like
*which icons are important to New Zealanders
*is your flag representative of our society
*the colours and what they represent
*what will go in the top left corner -the most clearly seen part of the flag even when there is no wind and the flag hangs down.
*how the rest of the world will identify NZ from this flag
Monday, 27 October 2014
You can use any APPROPRIATE youtube video.
You will need to sign up to animated gif generator.
You can use your school email.
Embed your gif into your blog.

Thursday, 16 October 2014
Fix Writing
"Morning class," greeted Miss Green. It was an ordinary day and everyone was sitting at their wooden desks, with pens and pencils by their side, the sweet sound of voices filling the room brought music to my ears. I decide to listen in on Britney's conversation with Ella, "OMG last night I reached into my bag to get out my book and it wasn’t there," explained Britney. "No way," replied Ella. That exact thing happened to me I was sure I put it into my bag this is a little strange, I thought to myself why are things disappearing?
Eventually the bell went and it was time to go home. I told my mum what I had witnessed at school. And she was lost for words. That night I couldn't get Brittney and Ellas conversation out of my head, I grabbed my laptop out of my bag to google this mystery as I unzipped the case, I looked down only to see that there was no laptop in my bag this is insane! I decided to look in my other pocket of my bag and to my surprise, my lunch box was also missing.
The sun was shining birds singing, it seemed like an ordinary day. I walked into my class that is usually full of colour but not today. My class looked like a prison cell, "what happened I gasped?" "Don't worry kids assured Miss Green, we have a thief in our class and I am going to get to the bottom of this one by one." Miss Green started checking our bags, everyone seemed relaxed except for James, Miss Green made her way down the line and james was last to be checked. "Oh!" said Miss Green looking rather lost, "what is this she asked James?" as she pulled out two books, a pencil case my laptop, and two class posters from James bag.
I was utterly shocked to say the least, "I am so sorry," cried Iames, "its just that everyone has laptops or books and our class is so colourful, that I wanted to take some of it home to make my house look better," " the truth is that you should be happy with what you have and not want stuff from other people."
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Correct this
It needs
- fullstops
- commas
- apostrophes
- capital letters
- speechmarks
- question marks
- exclamation marks
- paragraphs
It was a monday morning, I just got woken up by my mum to get ready for school. I got out of bed and reached down for my uniform, but it wasnt there. I looked under my bed, under my pillows, but I couldn't find my uniform anywhere.
"Kaidin have you gotten in the shower yet?"
"No mum I cant find my uniform."
" well you better find it quick or you will be going to school in your onesie!"
" But mum I cant find it anywhere it’s like its just disappeared!"
"Oh sure just like all your other stuff huh, Kaidin?"
" I got a note to go to school with to say that my uniform is lost and that I have to wear mufti just for today."
Which was a pain because every teacher i walked past asked why i'm in mufti and where my uniform is so I just showed them the note and moved on when I got home I went to go grab my iPod from where I always put it but I looked and that wasn't there either I yelled out to my mum,
"Mum have you seen my iPod?"
"No but do you know where did you last put it mum, if I knew where I last put it do you think i'd be asking you where it is."
Sorry just trying to help I thought to myself that.
"I'll try to find it later so I ran into my room to go on my PS3 but surprise surprise it’s not there Mum!"
"Oh what now Kaidin?"
"I know you're up to mischief tell me where all my stuff is Kaidin!"
"Do you really think I would hide your uniform away from you so you would go to school in your onesie?"
Now what’s gone missing now? My PS3 the whole thing, the controller is here but not my HDMI cable, power cord or my Elgato I really couldn't be bothered looking for all my stuff because it will take me hours! So I just thought of going for a bike ride I walk outside to get my bike and I couldn't believe it my bike had no tyres by this time i've had enough, I went up to my um and said
"mum i know you’ve put all my stuff somewhere, please can i have it back!" "Kaidin I have hidden your stuff away would you like to get it back?"
" Yes where is it where is it where is it right here?"
My mum led me to her bedroom, my stuff was all scattered around the room. My PS3, the power cord, the HDMI and my Elgato!
My iPod was under her drawers, and my bike tyres were under Liams bed, my uniform was in my muns drawers!
"Okay thanks mum for hiding my stuff!"
"Thats okay i'll do it again sometime hahaha, yeah right."
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