Wednesday, 5 March 2014

12 years a slave

This story is set in the 1800 and is about back in the day when black people were treated very badly and got wiped, punched and chained if they did not obey what the wardens say.

12 years a slave is about a man called Salomon, he lives in new york with his family.
He was born a free man, till the day he got deceived, kidnapped, sold into slavery and shipped away.

He worked on plantations in the state of Louisiana, every servant that  disobeyed was beaten, he got here because he thought they offered him a better violin job in Louisiana where we could play the violin and live there with his family and live in peace but the people tricked him and used him as a slave.

He want to be free and get in dignity back a kind man that worked there was trying to help him, with minimum food and water the man said to Salomon “ if you want to survive do and say as little a possible” in the end of the movie he gets his wife back and he lives happily every after. this movie is based on a true story i suggest you watch the movie here is the trailer!

12 years a slave trailer

1 comment:

  1. your intro is the right length thats good but you need to work on your SPG but apart from that it was a good intro to read I watched the trailer and you explained it wall. Jessie
