Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Stars Click Cards

Every person at Tauranga Intermediate School will receive a stars click card, when you receive one you will write your name, room and house on the card so you will know who's it is. There are 40 clicks on each card, if you get all 40 clicks you get a bracelet with starts on it and if you get three cards you get a stars badge. If you are being naughty you get a verbal warning from the teacher but if you are doing something good that day you will still receive a click on your card but if you get caught again you will get your name in the board (on the same day) and if you do something good the teacher will decide if you get a click or not, but if you get a cross next to your name you will not get a click. If you receive a band because you have already finished a click card you are not allowed to swap it with a different colour band with a person from another house if a teacher catches you with a different colour band you will get your band taken off you for the rest of the year. If you get a star card from one of the teachers you put your name in it, room and house and put in your house box in the library at the house hui two people will be drawn out of the rimu box by Miss Mills and will receive a voucher. If you get all your stars cards clicked you go in the draw to win a stars hoddie one  person from each house will receive one and at the end of the year Mrs Coville will draw out a name and one person will win a bike.

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