Monday, 30 June 2014

Subordinating conjunction

TaskClimate.JPGLinkUse these subordinating conjunctions to make 10 comparative statements related to these charts.

ifwhereverprovided thatuntil

The average temperature in January was 24 whereas in Hokitika the temperature in January was 19. 

The coldest temperature in December in Taupo was 14degrees where as in Hamilton it was 22 degrees.

 Christchurch had its warmest mouth in January with 23degrees where as in July it was the colds month at 12 degrees. 
Unless or until  
Alexandra get over 20 degrees it will stay the coldest for the rest of the year. But even if it gets over 30degrees it will still be the coldest. 
City's  higher up the country are more warmer because it is more far away the antancia. 

Even thought hamilton had the highest rain fall it still reachers 24 degrees. 

Sunday, 29 June 2014


Task Get the ARBs right or left worksheet Get a small piece of scrap paper. Copy the character 女 if you are a girl and 男 if you are a boy. Also copy the character 左手 if you are left handed and 右手 if you are right handed. 女 - girl (nu) 男 - boy (nan) 左手 - left handed (zuo shou) 右手 - right handed (you should) You don’t need to write your name. Fill out the ARBS worksheet for our class data. Remember that statisticians are systematic and neat and tidy when they are collecting their data.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Custom Glitter Text
Custom Glitter Text

Class Room Interruptions

What kind of interruptions occur?

Phone calls.
People from the student office.
People from the sports office.
Internet Down.
Dental Nurse.
Sport in class time .

How does this affect us?

We stop talking .
Yelling 4 miss campbell.
Arguing over who gets the phone.
When the internet is down we get off task and can't do anything.

Come up with several possible solutions for this problem.

Get a sign saying "gone fishing".
We have a person who collects all the notes and messages.
Have one person who answers the phone.
We can have a mailbox.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Social Experment

Clarify and predict the title of the video we will watch today: Social Experiment
Write up this video using the Science Process.
Equipment & Method
Results (make these up)

Clarify I think the movie will be about some people because the title social means like to talk to people and be social and the title experiment means to experiment so I think that the movie will be about people who find different ways to be social. √

The equipment you will need will be:

Speaker,People,Place. √

To find out how people will react when a voice will put people down. √

My results were that people who had the mean comments got put down and some even got angry but the one with the nice comments felt good about themselves even thought the person that have them the comments was anonymous. √

For my conclusion it that doesn't matter who you are and it does matter what you say to people even if you don't know them you still say nice comments and it will make them feel good about themselves. √

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Computer Scams

Summarise who this letter is from, who it is to, and what it is about.
This letter was from emily parks who lost over $74,000+ U.S.A dollars two years ago.
Emily was trying to get her money back so she got help from the F.B.I.

What are 2 reasons you know that this letter is a scam.
I know that this letter is a scam because firstly they kept saying call this number and email me. and secondly because the email would of got sold to some scammers.

Give 3 pieces of evidence (excerpts of sentences) that prove that this letter is a scam. It has poor english grammar punctuation and english speaking,

Describe a scam or prank you have heard about or been subject to.
I have been scammed when someone calls and says that you have a problem with your computer and that you have to give them your bank details and they will fix your computer.

Give 5 pieces of advice for people to avoid internet or email based scams.
You can look up advice to avoid scams on the internet
Don't give away bank details ever on the internet, If it says you have won 1 million dollars or a iPhone don't go on it because there is a 99.9% chance that it is a scam. The scammers target old people because it is an easy target so make sure you protect your old people.

Here are some pics of common scams:

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Acrostic Poem

Happy time
Off school
Late nights
Ice cream everyday
A little sleep

Lots of food
Evening walks
Eating pies

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

subordinating conjunctions

Make a sentence for 10  of these subordinating conjunctions.
Highlight or underline the subordinating conjunction in your sentence.
5 of your sentences the subordinating conjunction should be at the start and in the other 5 it should be in the middle. Remember your comma between clauses.

Because of the rain, I was late for hockey practice.

Since it is my birthday today, I can choose what I want for dinner.

After school, I went swimming.   

I was running with my friend, while listening to music.

As I walked up the stares to my bedroom, I tripped and face planted.

I was watching my little sister, and as soon as I turned around she was gone.

I cut my foot, but since there was no plasters I had to let it keep bleeding.

I can only go to the movie, if it is on at 1pm.

Lollies were $3.00 a bag at countdown, where as lollies were $2.00 at the dairy.

When I turn 16, I will have a massive birthday party.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Week 6 homework


I feel the cold breeze above the frosty mountains brushing through my hair. The wind so cold it almost gives me frost bite, but I tuck into my warm cozy sleeping bag.
I see icicles surround my tent like an army protecting me as I las and watch the world as it passes me by.  I hear the birds go tweet as they fly high above me they fly in a flock and they sing a lovely song that wakens me every morning.  I smell my breakfast warm yummy pumpkin soup mmmm my fav.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

List the 6 menu items McDonalds has which are connected with the 2014 FIFA World Cup

For ONE of these menu items
- list the ingredients
- fully explain the connections between the item and the country the item is connected with. Make sure you explain HOW the ingredients are connected.

The kiwiburger contains
- beef patties
- egg
- beetroot
- lettuce
- cheese
- onions
- mustard
- ketchup
This burger represents NZ because beetroot and eggs are often used in salads in NZ and this is something only Kiwis put in their salads.
It also has a big beef pattie because Kiwi is a farming nation that likes its meat.
It definitely includes tomato sauce because Kiwis put this on EVERYTHING.

Choose a country in the World Cup which does NOT have a burger at McDonalds. Design the burger. List its ingredients and explain how the ingredients you have chosen are linked to the country.

The Rio frozen sprite :
Delicious green apple and pineapple flavoured frozen sprite.

The reason why it is called the Rio frozen sprite is because the green and yellows colours are the colours of the Rio flag.

Australia's dish:
fish and chip burger with  cheese, tomato, tomato sauce and salt.

The reason why I choose this burger for Australia's is because they really like fish and chips  and there national dish is a meat pie, I put the chicken in because they also really like chicken. 

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Venn Diagram

Research: Mars One

Create a venn diagram comparing Mars One and Europa Report with 20 entries (total).

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Write questions to match answers.

Clarify the title of the video we will watch this morning: Invisible Soldier
Explain what you think the video will be and explain why you think what you think, linking your idea to the words invisible soldier.

I think that the soldier will be invisible and that it will be about a war and the soldier will be invisible because of the title: Invisible soldier.

Write questions to match these answers.

A. 8 years
Q: How many years since the army spent 5million dollars on army gear?

A. Camouflage
Q: What can be the difference between the soldier being dead or staying alive.

A. A material pattern which can be used to camouflage soldiers in any terrain or environment.
Q: What is camouflage?

A. The invisible cloak.
Q: It was once fictional.

A. Quantum stealth technology.
Q: What created the cloak to make it invisible.

A. By bending the light around the person.
Q: How to you become invisible?

A. Snipers.
Q: Who will the invisible cloak help the most?

A. No, you don’t need a power source.
Q: For the invisible cloak what will you not need?

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Mode Mean Median and Range

Mode, Median, Mean and RangeMode, Median, Mean and RangeDon't you think these words sound strange?Don't you think these words sound strange?I will get your mind to change
Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, ModeIs the number that occurs occurs the most most Singing Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, ModeIs the number that occurs occurs the most mostYou got 1,2,2,3,3,3,41,2,2,3,3,3,4, which of those numbers did I say more?which of those numbers did I say more? 3 is the mode cause it occurs the most Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, ModeIs the number that occurs occurs the most most Singing Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, ModeIs the number that occurs occurs the most mostYou got 1,2,2,3,3,3,41,2,2,3,3,3,4, which of those numbers did I say more?which of those numbers did I say more? 3 is the mode cause it occurs the mostNow stop, lets take it to the middle. Got to find the median no time to daddle diddleLine up all the numbers from the smallest to the big and the ones thats in the middle does a media jigGo median, middle number, go median, middle numberNow the third ones mean, not nice but meanIts the average number if you know what I meanJust add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of addedWhats that, whats mean?You add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of addedYeah you know what I meanYou add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of addedIt's the average number, mean, its the average number1 more round and the song is doneLets talk about range and have some funIt's the biggest number minus the smallest number, in the group, in the groupIt's the biggest number minus the smallest number , in the group, in the groupYou got Mode, Median, Mean and RangeMode, Median, Mean and RangeDon't you think these words sound strange?Don't you think these words sound strange?I just got your mind to change


Thursday, 5 June 2014

How Does A Glow Stick Work

What I think now (before we start) I think when you snap a glow stick the chemicals make the glow stick work.

What I think now (after hearing others’ ideas) I still think that when you snap a glow stick the chemicals make the glow stick work.

What I think now (after seeing Miss C cut open the tube) That there are some chemicals that make the glow stick work, my perdition was correct.

What I think now (after researching)
chemicals are luminol,hydrogen peroxide.

3 questions I still have:

synthesis is when you start no knowledge and at the end you have more knowledge.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Maths Sampling

Yesterday in Maths we learned about sampling. Write about sampling. You should include
- what is a sample?
- why take a sample?
- what are some examples of sampling done Irl?
- what does the word ‘population’ mean?
- how can you tell if are you sampling the right population?
- yesterday you took a sample using one method of sampling, explain what you did and your findings
NO question headings. Write in a paragraphing style. Remember use examples.


A sample is where you get a small amount of something.
We take a sample to collect data and to get information in small amounts.
For example you would take samples of different blood types, food, and more so it will be less expensive and it wont take as much time.
You can tell you are sampling the right population by having a mixture of people also called random sampling, there are two types of random sampling fair and byist.

There are two types of sampling fair and biased.
some examples of irl sampling are when you take a blood test or when you test food to see if it tastes good, drug testing. 

Monday, 2 June 2014

Interview Dialogue T.I.S Times

J: What nationality are you?  

B: I am a proud New Zealander.

J: What were some of the things that you did while you were visiting some of the countries? 

B: Well I walked the Great Wall Of China which was one of my favourite some others things I did included crossing india by a train and I also snorkelled in the Galapagos Islands.

J: Wow that sounds amazing how long did travel for?

B I travelled for 4 years around 12 different countries, The experience was mind blowing and I learnt heaps from it.

J: Where did you graduate from? 

B: I graduated from Japan.

J: So what are you going to do next?

B: My next attempted is to climb Mt Kilimanjaro with some of my classmates.

J: Sounds amazing well good luck for that then.

J: And one last question before you go who founded you?

B: We got  founding by New Zealand's Joann McPike in 2010.

J: Well then thanks for talking to us and good luck for the future.

B: Thank you, Bye.