Sunday, 15 June 2014

List the 6 menu items McDonalds has which are connected with the 2014 FIFA World Cup

For ONE of these menu items
- list the ingredients
- fully explain the connections between the item and the country the item is connected with. Make sure you explain HOW the ingredients are connected.

The kiwiburger contains
- beef patties
- egg
- beetroot
- lettuce
- cheese
- onions
- mustard
- ketchup
This burger represents NZ because beetroot and eggs are often used in salads in NZ and this is something only Kiwis put in their salads.
It also has a big beef pattie because Kiwi is a farming nation that likes its meat.
It definitely includes tomato sauce because Kiwis put this on EVERYTHING.

Choose a country in the World Cup which does NOT have a burger at McDonalds. Design the burger. List its ingredients and explain how the ingredients you have chosen are linked to the country.

The Rio frozen sprite :
Delicious green apple and pineapple flavoured frozen sprite.

The reason why it is called the Rio frozen sprite is because the green and yellows colours are the colours of the Rio flag.

Australia's dish:
fish and chip burger with  cheese, tomato, tomato sauce and salt.

The reason why I choose this burger for Australia's is because they really like fish and chips  and there national dish is a meat pie, I put the chicken in because they also really like chicken. 

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